Physio starting from 4th of July. Chiropractic returning 14th of June

June 1, 2023 by admin

Despite a few hiccups at the start addressing a staffing issue in our Tokyo office Okinawa Sports and Spinal is still on track to offer English speaking  off-base Physical Therapy and Sports massage in Sunabe Okinawa from the 4th of July.

Brent Verco is also due to resume Chiropractic services from Wednesday the 14th of June. To make an appointment with a Chiropractor, Physical therapist or book a Sports massage please  click here 


Okinawa Sports and Spinal. Quality off-base Physical Therapy and Chiropractic
1F 1-477 Miyagi Sunabe
Chatan-Cho Okinawa

Copyright by Okinawa SportsandSpinal 2023

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