Our sports massage therapist usually provides and oil massage so that a therapeutic pressure can be better target. This involves changing down to your underwear and the use of towel draping but we are happy to accommodate your needs and can also use a shiatsu pressure style massage over clothing if that’s more preferable to you. 

What do I wear for a massage ?

April 10, 2024 by admin

Our sports massage therapist usually provides and oil massage so that a therapeutic pressure can be better target. This involves changing down to your underwear and the use of towel draping but we are happy to accommodate your needs and can also use a shiatsu pressure style massage over clothing if that’s more preferable to you. 

Okinawa Sports and Spinal. Quality off-base Physical Therapy and Chiropractic
1F 1-477 Miyagi Sunabe
Chatan-Cho Okinawa

Copyright by Okinawa SportsandSpinal 2023

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